Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Less Than 24 hours to Go!

We have everything almost done and we are looking forward to tomorrow night (even if it is for just the reason that it will be over). We worked hard and I think we will be alright, but I sense some doubt in my partners.

To my partners, I say: SUCK IT UP! WE ARE THE WHEATLEY BEARS and we WILL represent!
I have no doubt about it.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Voice Threads

I like voice thread but embeded it is a little difficult for me. Making sure the html codes are in the box. It just seem like there are so many steps. I am almost there. yipee! Now we the finshing touches I can't wait for the Gallery walk

Wheatley Bears

My Wiki is beginning to take development. I have enjoyed our endless night together to get this project. This has truly been a rewarding experience and Joy and ronlyn are very supportive. I like the way we collaborated and got this project on its way.

Almost there!

May 29, 2009
We are almost there!! I was not able to attend the training offered today to provide assistance. I believe I am ready and know I can do this. I am presenting my project on a photo story of all of the culminating activities that occured in our school in 2009. I have had a great time and look forward to next year.

Coming Down the Home Stretch

Yesterday we stayed after school working on our presentation board and making finishing touches on our projects. We are feeling the pressure but we are also happy that we are close to the end. This, for me personally, has been a very productive experience. The voicethread was especially interesting to me because it is so interactive and you can upload pics, videos, almost anything.....and it is accessible to both the students and other teachers.

I've learned so much these past six months. A great experience.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My STEP Family

As I look back at the overall “STEP experience” for the past 6 months,one of the things I am so thankful for is that was given a “STEP family” (and Aubrey is my STEP brother????? :)). I know this may sound weird to some but being a foreigner in your country, I appreciate and value the camaraderie and friendship built with fellow STEP team members and with our facilitators, Ms. Joy and Ms. Ronlyn, who have been very patient with us.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Almost Finished!

Well, I made it through STEP training!! I learned a lot and hope to incorporate more technology in the classroom next year. One thing that has consistently struck me is the SIGNIFICANT increase in my students' attention to task especially when using ELMO and Photo Story! They really enjoy seeing things and/or themselves projected on the screen as well as hearing their voices and those of their classmates on the digital stories and on podcasting. For the population we teach (early childhood special education), any strategy that increases attention to task is a strategy that must be used.